Sokobanja Booking - Online booking of accommodation in Sokobanja at no cost

Sokobanja Booking - The largest database of apartments, rooms, villas and hotels, book holidays in Sokobanja without booking costs, a large selection of apartments in the most beautiful locations in Sokobanja at the best prices and conditions without commission. We offer apartments, rooms, studios and hotels.

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Popular accommodation

1 night
from 4.500 RSD
1 night
from 4.840 RSD
1 night
from 2.750 RSD
1 night
from 5.500 RSD
1 night
from 5.445 RSD
Apartmani Tomic Sokobanja
1 night
from 4.400 RSD
GreenPine Sokobanja
1 night
from 3.600 RSD
Smeštaj Vortex Sokobanja
1 night
from 4.400 RSD
1 night
from 6.000 RSD
Studio Soko Day 2 Sokobanja
1 night
from 3.500 RSD
Apartment Petrovic Sokobanja
1 night
from 3.850 RSD
Andrijana Sokobanja
1 night
from 3.300 RSD
Studio Sladja Sokobanja
1 night
from 19 RSD